Under Construction

Hey Running Buckeyes and all other Internet users who happen to have stumbled across this site. Welcome! I'm Matt Polatas, your Webmaster for the 2018-19 year, and over the summer, I'm working on the task of transforming this website into a tool for OSU Running Club's members and supporters alike. Because of this, the site will be constantly changing and might not be as gorgeous as you or I would like, but we're getting there! To be fair, it was never exactly gorgeous to begin with.

If all goes well, this will be your destination for all things Running Club - from racing results to a social calendar to personal stories and all the other things that we think make our club so great. And if all doesn't go well, please don't re-elect me to this position in the spring. I'm here to help create a website that both draws prospective runners in and eliminates any confused Facebook posts or angry emails from current members.

Any help that you can offer along the way is greatly appreciated, so feel free to email me at polatas.2@osu.edu with any questions, complaints, ideas - anything that would help me create a better website for you.

Your Webmaster,
Matt Polatas

Originally posted by Matt Polatas on May 7, 2018.